Long time has past since our last contribution and many things happened. We didn't have any serious problems, there was just no internet connection... we finally arrived in the Pamir!
But before that, we still have to complete the story of the last days in the Panj valley.
One day we arrived in a place which was called 'roadside restaurant with basic lodging'. Since it was late and we were tired we said, ok, let's stay it's only for one night.
There was also a very active boy of maybe 12 years showing us everything and asking us for our dinner wishes. And this is where we did our biggest mistake for the trip... We agreed on having 'gurr gurr', whatever this means. We believe it was chicken...
But the next day we started to feel some 'gurr gurr' in our bellies as well. So we are not so sure about the original meaning of the sound...
In addition, we got stopped by some tadjik sirens offering us apricots, for which we payed way too much, not only with money. When Andi had them after dinner that day he had to call the 'gurr gurr' a couple of times during the night.
So with stomach and intestine problems our view for the next day was very limited as you can see on the photos. We were really happy with our very welcoming tadjik hosts.
After resting a entire day we continue our trip, but the intestine problems follow us all the way into the Pamir....